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Our Story - Reimaging the Big Scrub Rainforest 

Pre-European settlement, the Big Scrub Rainforest covered 75,000ha in Australian mid-eastern coast. It was the largest expanse of lowland subtropical rainforest in Australia and home to a large variety of large columnar trees, lush ferns and ever-extending vines. It was home to over a 400 native flora species, and a rich food source for native bird and bats. 

Unfortunately, this majestic rainforest could not survive the increasing fragmentation, and as the world became warmer and less predictable this sub-tropical ecology was unable to survive or adapt in time. 

Today we rely on photographic evidence and seed banks to relive this spectacular landscape. 

Our team at 'My Pocket Rainforest' have made it our goal to allow you to experience this phenomenon. We have dedicated ourselves to re-rendering the rainforest for your amusement and education.

Please enjoy our range of visual experiences below!

Real Life Render of Big Scrub Rainforest from 2021!

The Big Scrub Rainforest was known for its striking columnar birch tree trunks and diversity of lush green ferns. You pocket garden is a designed replica of this pre-historic rainforest. 

Rendered stills

The Big Scrub was the largest expanse of lowland subtropical rainforest in Australia covering an area of approximately 75,00 hectares on rich volcanic and alluvial soils between Byron Bay, Ballina and Lismore

Historical Photos

You can see from these historical photos you can see an amazing diversity of life: many species of trees, some with beautifully mottled bark, some with large buttress roots, some festooned with epiphytes. On the ground you can also see a variety of beautiful fungi, purple and red fruits, interesting winged seeds, beautiful fallen flowers. 

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